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- Happily ever after baby wrap
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Happily ever after
First I fell in love with wraps and babywearing, then I found the dyed wraps and finally I fell head over heals for the handwovens. The wraps where you can paly with colours as freely as the dyeing process would not allow me and I could fully influence the outcome.I got myself a rigid heddle and wanted to try it (yes this wrapis woven on a rigid heddle). I wanted to create a wrap for me and my doughter for her first birthday. My colours have always been the various shades of red, she looks stunning in various purples. This way the borders were set in my head. Then there came the competition anf the fairy tal theme. What is always the point, the finale of fairy tale? The happy end, the princ and princess together, the lovers together, forever. I found that with my husband.We have two children, we faced long distance relationship for ten month, and then again, we faced our differences and we sill do everyday. But we are together, we have been for 12 years in total so I already am living my own Happily ever after. I put it together with my idea of mother/doughter wrap and changed the desigh into the sunset scenes from each side of the wrap you get eather the bloody sunset over a meadow or the purple one over the sea. I tried to enforce the idea by the sun shape of the enchanted threads that serve as a middle marker. I always wanted to own a rainbow, so I made it for us. I very much enjoyed the possibility to play with colours (there are 17 included in the warp).
Our wrap is 4,6 m long plain weave made of 100% mercerised cotton. It weighs 260g/m2 and feels thin but it is quite supportive and very easy to wrap with. It easily glides into place and stays there. I didnt find any problem wearing my 9,5 kg doughter and my 15,5 kg son in it.
I had to learn an incredible amount of things to be able to finish the wrap (the repairs included) because it is really hard to keep an even tension on the RH, but I dont regret any minute of the process. It helped me a lot for the future.